Give Yourself A Break*Mini-Entry

Some days I just can’t. It’s as simple as that. Today, for example, I have a free day from other commitments, yet I must get tons of work done for Metsä Cosmetics and The Journal. I need to care for myself whilst finding the right balance of work to get what needs to be done, done. So I have settled for writing this blog in bed, in my pajamas, at 13:30.

I’m sure most can relate to this feeling of being weighed down by your responsibilities. Whether it’s work, kids, family members, housework, errands, etc., it’s all a bit much and there’s just not enough time in the day to complete it all - let alone take care of yourself! Therefore on days like today, when I can technically do all my work from my bed - I do. Sure, I have this weird sense of guilt for not getting up, making the bed, getting ready, going to the office, and whatnot… but I just can’t today. I feel congested, my body is exhausted and my mind is running slower than usual. So, I shall lounge in my bed with my heated blanket, coffee, snacks, and write what I can for this post.

I think the overall message I want to convey today, is that you deserve to give yourself a day of not being a fully functioning human. Yes, I’m still doing work, but I’m doing it in the laziest way possible and that’s okay! It’s the only way I’m going to get it done.

So often I find myself feeling like I’ve “failed” a day if it did not go according to some sort of idealistic plan. I think we all have this vision of what our days should look like, probably quite influenced by social media, however, that’s not reality. It’s not always going to be idealistic and I’m sure most days, if you’re a parent, carer, or someone who has a non-traditional 9-to-5 job, it’s nothing like what you’ve planned. As much as we, as humans, like routine, structure, planning, and aesthetics, we have to learn to be okay with life when it does not live up to those expectations. Maybe I’m just preaching to myself now, though I’m sure many others could benefit from the message. We, or I, need to learn to be okay and not be upset with myself, when I am unable to live up to my expectations and give myself a break.

I encourage all who may read this Entry, to give yourself a damn break every once in a while. Life is tough as it is and we don’t need the added stress of beating ourselves up. Do your best, always aim for growth, and do better than before - but when you can’t always achieve it - it’s okay. Try again the next day. 💜

Shasta Widdows

Long-time skincare junkie and lover of everything self-care, wellness, and fitness. I’ve built Metsä Cosmetics from the ground up to share my vision of natural and luxurious skincare products with others who want a happier and healthier life.

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