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The Perfect Reset Day

We all need them. At least one day dedicated to resetting our minds and space, making it possible to relax and prepare for the upcoming week. Here is our guide to the perfect Reset Day.

Amidst our hectic schedules, carving out a day for a reset is crucial. Take a breather, recharge, and set yourself up for a fresh start. Remember, it's not selfish to take a day off; it's self-preservation. The only way to avoid burnout is by granting yourself the rest you need and allotting the time necessary to plan and prepare. Real success does not happen by beating yourself up and pushing yourself till you collapse (maybe in the gym but that’s a different post). Real success is meeting your goals and still having your mental and physical health in good shape. Yes, discomfort and stress are a part of life, and likely a good sign that you are pushing yourself in the right direction; needless to say, success is never easy or stress-free. However, being overly stressed to the point you can’t relax and your physical or mental health is struggling isn’t good for anyone or any situation, and will not help you move along in your journey.

Here I will explain what I do on my reset days with recommendations for what has helped me, but please remember that everyone’s schedule, lifestyle, and priorities are different; especially if you have children! So your perfect reset day may not look like mine or your neighbors, but if you map out your priorities and follow this rough guide - you'll have YOUR perfect reset day routine down pat and ready!     

A Reset Day can be divided into three parts: returning to base, looking inward, and winding down. Each segment is equally important for a successful and effective reset for the week ahead. Starting the day by ‘returning to base’ consists of setting up your space for success and setting the tone for a productive journey ahead. Organize, declutter, and create an environment that fuels your focus and positivity. Believe it or not, our environment has one of the biggest impacts on our mood. First, I start with laundry. Mainly because it’s hands-off until it’s time to switch it to the dryer and I can start on other chores whilst it’s being done. On top of the usual clothes and towels, every other Sunday I wash and change our bedsheets. Nothing is better than clean, soft, and beautifully scented sheets after a long week. Something about fresh bedding just soothes my soul. 

Side note: I also spray a Eucalyptus Spearmint pillow mist on sheets and pillows - our sense of smell is directly linked to our brain’s emotional center which plays a significant role in mood regulation. I find that using this scent in particular calms and relaxes me so well. I can’t go a night without using it! 

After starting the laundry, I focus on the base cleaning that needs to be done. I do a deep clean of my house about every two to three months, so I don’t go crazy on reset days because there’s no need. I just do the basics. I dust all surfaces including our fans, I have two cats so it must be done. After dusting I’ll vacuum the house and wipe down all surfaces with a cleaner and disinfectant. Next, I’ll soak all the toilets with a toilet cleaner and pop a tank cleaner in, if necessary. I’m very inspired by the Japanese lifestyle and culture, and one thing I have incorporated into my everyday life is toilet cleaning - yes I cleaned my toilet before this don’t worry. What I mean by this, is that I literally clean my toilet every day. Hidesaburo Kagiyama, a very successful Japanese businessman, believes that a clean environment is vital for a clean spirit, remember what I said about environment and mood? 

Mr Kagiyama teaches that cleaning your toilet is a sign and daily act of humility. In a world where everyone is trying their best to outdo each other on social media, humility is invaluable. He also states, “Happy people often don’t take the time to appreciate things. From appreciation, you can become happier. Cleaning toilets certainly lets you appreciate the smaller things in life and makes you into a well-rounded person.” I have chosen to incorporate this philosophy into my life and I have enjoyed what it has done for me. 

Next, I focus on organizing and tidying up the home and my car. I refuse to have a dirty unorganized car. I currently live in the United States in a very busy city so I can easily spend over an hour in the car every day depending on what I’m doing and where I need to be. If my car is a mess - I’m a mess. This is also when I will usually do a week’s worth of grocery shopping. I love the feeling of coming home to a clean home and stocking it with fresh fruits and veggies for the week. 

After the cleaning is out of the way, I complete the ‘getting back to base’ portion of my day by taking care of all the necessities in my home, this means taking care of any plants, taking care of my two cats by giving them an extra long grooming session, throwing out any broken toys, etc. I also take this time to sit down and plan out the coming week in my planner (I seriously love this one) and prepare anything I need for the next day.

Subsequently, turning inward, take a moment to ask yourself, “What can I do for my body and mind to help me take on this week?” For my body, it’s getting outdoors, making sure I’m drinking enough water, doing a slow workout routine such as pilates or yoga, and taking care of my appearance. Reset days are usually when I do an ‘everything shower’, if you’re on Instagram or TikTok you know what I mean. For those of you who are stronger and probably saner than I am, an ‘everything’ shower is that one shower where you go the whole nine yards. Washing hair, shaving, exfoliating, masks, treatments, nail care, all of it. It’s a whole ordeal that takes me over an hour to complete. It’s not for the weak at heart.  

For my mind, I like to take it slower and usually meditate outside, journal, and I’ll usually clean out my phone. I’m the same way with my phone as I am with my external environment, I can’t have it cluttered or unorganized. Doing this every so often helps keep me on track and sane. Trust me you can’t go wrong with a phone or laptop declutter.

Finally, after a long day of setting ourselves up for success, let's enjoy the peaceful and cozy environment we’ve created. Let's wind down and get to the relaxation. Start with ambiance. It's key! Set the mood and cozy atmosphere with a candle and ambient lighting, and play ambient music from YouTube (check out our faves here) or Metsä’s curated Spotify Playlist here

Once the atmosphere is to my liking, I’ll perform my evening skincare ritual, use a guasha on my face, and give myself a quick massage. Now I’m ready to grab a book and get cozy in bed with my heated blanket on max. A heated blanket in winter is life-changing if you don’t already know - especially if you have chronic pain or period cramps! 

I hope this blog has provided valuable insights to curate your ideal Reset Day. May it guide you towards a rejuvenating and fulfilling experience and a well-planned and productive work week! Remember, everyone’s journey is unique and beautifully diverse. Your day does not have to look like mine, and my day doesn’t have to look like my neighbor’s. We all must do what works for our lives and suits our wellness the best. 

Check out our Pinterest for more tips and lifestyle habits to aid you on your wellness journey.